Step by Step Guide to Coaching

Step by Step Guide to Coaching - eBook

About the guide

This eBook will help guide you through the basic steps of running a series of successful coaching sessions with a client. 

I hope you find this practical and brief guide to the logistics of coaching useful. Use it as a quick reference to ensure you have everything in place for the administration and timings of a robust coaching programme with a client.

In this book you will find plenty of practical pointers, based on my experiences of working with coaching clients over 15 years. I am so please to be able to share these with you and raise money for a brilliant and inspiring charity.


Supporting our local air ambulance

All proceeds will be donated to the Wiltshire Air Ambulance .

Thank you on their behalf for your support.

Step by Step Guide to Coaching - eBook
About Clare's book

A Step-by-Step Guide to Coaching

This book will provide a checklist for working with coaching clients

Managing a client relationship and running a coaching session professionally can be a bit of a mystery in the early days of learning to coach. I have discovered that not many books or guides offer a clear and simple format. Having worked with hundreds of new coaches and those seeking to improve their coaching practice, I have written this eBook as a summary of the verbal advice and guidance I have been offering informally for many years. During my coaching career I have continually improved my processes and paperwork and I continue to tweak and refine every practical aspect of my client work. One of my promises to you, is that as I update the advice contained in this document, I will send you a new version wherever possible.

The beauty of this book is that it gives you quick and easy access to information.

All my books and coaching cards can be purchased using the links below.

Step by Step Guide to Coaching - eBook
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