Tutor Support
We can help you achieve your ILM qualification, with a great team of experienced tutors to support you wherever you are in your learning journey. All our tutors are highly experienced freelance coaches and mentors from a variety of backgrounds.

What are the benefits of our tutor support package?
Flexible, inspiring and supportive
You will have a personal tutor to support you throughout your qualification.
- Email your tutor whenever you wish
- Arrange meetings via Zoom or MT
- Very prompt responses
- Two induction meetings (1 hour each) to get you started on your qualification and create your personal learner journey
- Ask questions and seek advice with assignments
- Seek written feedback on your first few drafts of the theoretical assignment
- Ask for advice with your practical coaching
- Feel supported and looked after
- Be held accountable to meet deadlines when you need a push

Recording a coaching session
Tutor feedback on your coaching
At some point during your practical hours, you will record a coaching / mentoring / supervision session and send it to your tutor for feedback. We will give you lots of help and advice to help you set up the recording and get the most out of the feedback.
This is a developmental opportunity and you won’t be graded. In order to pass your qualification you must include tutor feedback on your practical skills and show that you have reflected on this feedback. Your tutor will comment on your strengths and what you have done well, plus areas for development. This might include hints and tips and ideas for further reading.
It’s normal to feel nervous about being recorded. You’re not being graded on your practical ability as a pass cirteria, so we help you to enjoy this element of the qualification and use it as a fantastic and supportive learning opportunity.
- Detailed written feedback and a discussion
- Reflect on your skills and development needs
- Celebrate your strengths