A – Z Coaching and Mentoring – This week’s extract explores the role of Wise Advocate™ – our inner voice, from the position of being a clear minded observer. Plus the 4 steps to accessing the Wise Advocate™ either in ourselves as coaches or in the client.
Don’t forget if you have a special request for a definition of a coaching term or principle, just let us know! Perfect for anyone studying for an ILM Coaching & Mentoring qualification, or as a refresher for experienced coaches.
Wise Advocate™ (Schwartz & Gladding) is our inner voice, from the position of being a clear minded observer. The role of the Wise Advocate™ is to notice deceptive messages, judgement, emotions or reactions and approach problem solving or goal setting with a nurturing and positive intention.
There are four steps to accessing the Wise Advocate™ (for the coach or the client):
- Step 1: Relabel. Identify the deceptive brain messages (i.e., the unhelpful thoughts, urges, desires and impulses) and put a label on what is happening.
- Step 2: Reframe – ask is this real or is it just my brain? Do I have to believe this?
- Step 3: Refocus – direct your thinking to where you want to go, do something productive or something that is healthy for you.
- Step 4: Revalue – this should start to happen automatically as new habits begin to be created – you start to adapt and function better.
Taken from the A-Z Coaching Handbook by Clare Smale where you will find a comprehensive A-Z, plus a full list of references.
Contact us for your copy or order through our website. See you next week!