Catriona Patterson

Catriona Patterson MCIPD MBPS PGDipman BA is an associate tutor for ILM coaching and mentoring qualifications. An ILM qualified coach through i2L, and previous in-house lead for coaching at a local authority, Catriona has over 10 years coaching experience. She currently specialises in one to one executive coaching through her own company. With a background of 25 years in HR/OD and coaching roles across the private and public sector she has a real appreciation of the challenges faced by leaders, managers and staff in organisations. Catriona is a member of the Southwest Councils Executive Coaching Pool and is a Newbury AC, Co-Coaching Facilitator. She has lectured in HR management and tutored management undergraduates at Henley Business School. She has a passion for developing others and her own practise.


Meet Catriona Patterson