The Barbican

The Barbican

Louise, Learning & Development business partner

The difference between the original training I received, and the training I was offered by Inspired2Learn was stark. I finally felt I have learnt something and that I had someone who was able to provide useful and relevant coaching information. All the sessions were very well prepared, we were given good resources, and I felt very well supported when working on my assignments.

I met my objective in terms of finally obtaining my qualification, but throughout this process I have learnt so much more. I feel I now have a very strong basis for my coaching practice, and I am confident in my knowledge. I have developed good skills/knowledge of contracting, structuring the coaching practice, questioning and listening skills, understanding and knowledge of different coaching tools and ethics of the coaching process. I know what to do to keep on developing and reflecting on my coaching practice.

I have provided coaching support to several staff as a coach, but I also utilise my coaching skills in my day to day work as an HR Business Partner, providing support to senior managers across the organisation. Just a big thank you. I wouldn’t have been able to complete this qualification without the ongoing support of inspired2learn.



What our customers
say about us...

I regret not starting sooner!

“I’m just two and a half months into my studying for the ILM Level 5 Diploma in Coaching & Mentoring. I noted the other day whilst completing my reflective journal just how much I have already learned and developed as an individual through my study, reading and engagement. Not only am I benefiting others through being a coach (hopefully) but I feel I am truly coaching and developing myself and the way I approach and tackle issues and challenges. My only regret is not starting this qualification three years ago when I thought I was too busy!! That’s three years of self development and potential advancement lost!! The lesson: If you want to do something then do it! Don’t delay!! We often regret the things we don’t do but rarely the things we do do!!”

Mark Woods, Fire & Rescue

Amazing resources

I am really enjoying the course so far, there are so many amazing resources available, and the level of support is really great. I really enjoyed the introduction to coaching webinar I found that one super inspiring!

I have found myself stepping up as a leader to my team

As a manager I have learnt to value others differences this is something I did not consider previously. This has allowed me to become a better manager I have found myself stepping up as a leader to my team. Also the models and methods learnt during this course have allowed me to make proposals using ACCURATE information this allows me to confidently support my proposals. The organisation has benefited from my participation in that I am much more aware of organisational strategy and how it links through the organisation. I feel much more confident about my management and leadership abilities and feel confident to tackle more complex decisions and design operational strategies.

It’s been great to know I can talk to someone outside of school on matters of concern

Clare really encouraged me to think about what influences me and how I can change and cope/deal with these situations in a very positive way – the coaching has really made me stop and think and has allowed me to not let things worry me. I feel I have made significant progress with my career because of these sessions. It was also brilliant to do these sessions face-to-face that made a real difference and it was never rushed! Clare has been a fantastic coach and tutor – she has always answered my calls and emails (even when they weren’t scheduled!!) and she would give very good detailed advice whenever she could. She has been very supportive and has really encouraged me to stick at things, especially whilst I was experiencing personal and professional problems.

I will really miss Claire’s advice and support – it’s been great to know I can talk to someone outside of school on matters of concern. Thank you Claire for being a great coach – I promise to keep in touch and update you on my progress.

Knowledgeable and kind

Clare was very responsive to our needs and used this to construct and flex the agenda. She was great – very knowledgeable, very thought-provoking and extremely kind.

Your offer of support and words of encouragement were valued.

Just a short note to say thank you for your input today up at the LSC Regional Office in Gateshead.  It is really important that we have an idea of the key criteria and expectations for the course. You set these out clearly and succinctly, and answered our questions just as needed. I certainly feel more reassured about embarking on the course following your session. Your offer of support and words of encouragement were also valued. We appreciate you making such a long journey to support us.

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What our customers
say about us...

I regret not starting sooner!

“I’m just two and a half months into my studying for the ILM Level 5 Diploma in Coaching & Mentoring. I noted the other day whilst completing my reflective journal just how much I have already learned and developed as an individual through my study, reading and engagement. Not only am I benefiting others through being a coach (hopefully) but I feel I am truly coaching and developing myself and the way I approach and tackle issues and challenges. My only regret is not starting this qualification three years ago when I thought I was too busy!! That’s three years of self development and potential advancement lost!! The lesson: If you want to do something then do it! Don’t delay!! We often regret the things we don’t do but rarely the things we do do!!”

Mark Woods, Fire & Rescue

Amazing resources

I am really enjoying the course so far, there are so many amazing resources available, and the level of support is really great. I really enjoyed the introduction to coaching webinar I found that one super inspiring!

I have found myself stepping up as a leader to my team

As a manager I have learnt to value others differences this is something I did not consider previously. This has allowed me to become a better manager I have found myself stepping up as a leader to my team. Also the models and methods learnt during this course have allowed me to make proposals using ACCURATE information this allows me to confidently support my proposals. The organisation has benefited from my participation in that I am much more aware of organisational strategy and how it links through the organisation. I feel much more confident about my management and leadership abilities and feel confident to tackle more complex decisions and design operational strategies.

It’s been great to know I can talk to someone outside of school on matters of concern

Clare really encouraged me to think about what influences me and how I can change and cope/deal with these situations in a very positive way – the coaching has really made me stop and think and has allowed me to not let things worry me. I feel I have made significant progress with my career because of these sessions. It was also brilliant to do these sessions face-to-face that made a real difference and it was never rushed! Clare has been a fantastic coach and tutor – she has always answered my calls and emails (even when they weren’t scheduled!!) and she would give very good detailed advice whenever she could. She has been very supportive and has really encouraged me to stick at things, especially whilst I was experiencing personal and professional problems.

I will really miss Claire’s advice and support – it’s been great to know I can talk to someone outside of school on matters of concern. Thank you Claire for being a great coach – I promise to keep in touch and update you on my progress.

Knowledgeable and kind

Clare was very responsive to our needs and used this to construct and flex the agenda. She was great – very knowledgeable, very thought-provoking and extremely kind.

Your offer of support and words of encouragement were valued.

Just a short note to say thank you for your input today up at the LSC Regional Office in Gateshead.  It is really important that we have an idea of the key criteria and expectations for the course. You set these out clearly and succinctly, and answered our questions just as needed. I certainly feel more reassured about embarking on the course following your session. Your offer of support and words of encouragement were also valued. We appreciate you making such a long journey to support us.

Stimulating and thought inspiring coaching

Clare provides challenging sessions that result in detailed discussion and realistic target setting. Clare has a positive and relaxed manner that inspires confidence and encourages you to think outside the box. Her knowledge and experience of leadership is shared and used to good effect. I always feel I have achieved a great deal and planned to achieve a great deal more, during our meetings and coaching sessions. Stimulating and thought-inspiring.

Clare’s intuitive nature and down-to-earth attitude has helped me tremendously.
I have re-aligned my professional ambitions

I am currently just about to finish my fifth year of teaching and have been coached by Clare for the past 18 months. During that time I have experienced every emotion within the profession and Clare has supported me every step of the way. 6 months ago I went through a serious crisis of confidence and wasn’t sure if I was going to recover. However, through the expert coaching of Clare I have not only re-aligned my professional ambitions but have just been appointed deputy head! Clare’s intuitive nature and down-to-earth attitude has helped me tremendously and I would unreservedly recommend her to anyone in need of learning more about the world of coaching.

Fantastic – I don’t want it to end!

A warm and friendly environment in all the training sessions

I learnt a huge amount about being a coach

The programme met my objectives because I wanted to become a qualified coach and the inspired2learn course has given me lots of knowledge and skills. This includes NLP, coaching models (neurological levels), self-reflection, contracting requirements, ethics, deep listening, heightened self-awareness and measuring ROI/E. The individuals I have coached have progressed personally, adding value to my organisation. This was a fantastic course, thanks for all of your support – I learnt a huge amount!

Personal approach, support and dedicated tutors

I have no hesitation in recommending inspired2learn: the personal approach, support and dedicated tutors mean they stand out from other providers offering the same.

I have a background in Learning and Development that spans 28 years, having worked in different roles in organisations, as well as in my own self-employed business. A key focus of my work is leadership and management development, developing leadership programmes that have coaching as their foundation. I wanted to gain a recognised coaching qualification, firstly to add credibility and recognition for the coaching I was offering to leaders and managers, and to increase my skills as an internal coach. I found Inspired2Learn when looking for providers that offered ILM coaching qualifications and was immediately drawn to their supportive approach.

Coaching with Clare has been unbelievably valuable.

“I was offered coaching by my organisation following a promotion to senior leadership which involved a large jump up the ladder with little preparation. Coaching with Clare has been unbelievably valuable. External coaching was offered to stretch and support me in my new role with confidentiality and without judgement. After three sessions, Clare’s coaching has massively guided my thinking.”


Clare’s listening and questioning is really empowering

“You have fundamentally changed how I think and act during the last 6 months, and so I have no doubt that todays discussions and actions will help me grow even further. As a coach I sometimes wonder about the impact as you listen and ask questions, but being on the other end for a change has been really enlightening for me and that 1 hr of someone listening and questioning is really empowering. Thank you for this and I think you are amazing.”

Tracy, Head of OD & People Change

I am so fired up!

“Loved everything about the training, the group, Clare’s leadership and guidance of the sessions. Have learnt so much and have so many techniques to use now. Compared notes with a colleague who has been doing her training through our organisation and she is gutted! She said they have just flogged GROW to death with no additional techniques to use alongside it! So fired up!!” Sally, February 2020

You helped change my mindset and to take more creative risks.

I’ve been managing a project with Lincolnshire County Council! I’ve found the confidence to do this thanks to doing the inspired2learn CMI Level 5 Diploma. I just wanted to say thank you. You helped change my mindset and to take more creative risks.

Clare helped me achieve a ‘ good pass’ in my first assignment

Studying whilst working in a demanding role, running a busy home and completing assignments after being out of the academic arena for sometime is a challenge. However, Clare helped me achieve a ‘ good pass’ in my first assignment by giving feedback, and signposting me to additional reading material on each section. I could therefore move onto the next section knowing that I was on the right track and could be confident that I would have a good quality finished assignment.

I thought it was excellent

Thank you for delivering a fantastic, engaging enlightening, no nonsense and thought provoking 2 day workshop. I honestly mean it. I thought it was excellent. In terms of a learning experience I couldn’t fault it. The pacing, content, tone and environment you created was so conducive to learning. I learnt SO much and equally as important I have been inspired to want to learn more. You made me feel comfortable outside my comfort zone!! It was great to be with such lovely and interesting people as well. PS. My 80s T Shirt …. “Be the best version of me”….. I don’t think I’ve been it for a while and the last 2 days have genuinely been a call to action for me to be that person again. Thank you

Offered such a great opportunity

The 2 day sessions with Claire offered such a great opportunity to meet others who are on the same journey although at different starting points. It was really thought provoking, inciteful and motivational. It was useful to hear that my feelings of being overwhelmed, didn’t just belong to me!

The only way is forwards

You are absolutely right about what you say about coaching, and the impact of the course has been quite significant for me already in making some changes, particularly in my professional life. Watch this space and LinkedIn – it’s definitely an irreversible journey that I am about to go on and the only way is forwards.

Clare is such an inspiration

I really enjoyed days 1&2 of the training. It was a baptism of fire with Clare being such an inspiration . I was (am) still a little overwhelmed at the sheer amount of material on offer , but am slowly beginning to get to grips with the vastness and conversely what Clare defined as “the simplicity” of coaching.

Very thought provoking

It was really good – very thought-provoking -very high quality. Really impressive trainer. Felt that there was a real depth of quality to the whole offer both the depth of Clare’s expertise in the training days, the ongoing support and the way the qualification is backed up by Wiltshire’s whole approach to coaching. All felt very thought through.

Qualification has enriched my own practice in the roles of line manager

Being forced to take longer over my coaching qualification due to the pandemic, led to a deepening of practice and a greater awareness of my development needs. The knowledge transfer on a number of tools and techniques has been great, but the best element for me was the development of my “reflective capacity” to learn as I went along and in dialogue with peers/supervisor/community. The coaching network that the qualified coaches feed into within my organisation, has never been stronger. The business now has additional coaching capacity to address behavioural and developmental needs. The qualification has also enriched of my own practice in the roles of line manager and internal consultant/project manager when it comes to contracting with people and evaluation.

Helped me secure a new role

I thought I’d drop you a line to let you know that I have accepted a new job in a research facility so a very different working environment. I will be moving into another People Partner role, working directly with my client group (scientists mainly!) and be their link to other specialist functions in HR. Thanks for all your help and support. Having the coaching skills (and qualification) definitely helped with securing this role.

Fantastic support

Fantastic support – I was extremely grateful for not just this support but the experience and feedback provided which allowed me to gain this qualification. The ongoing e-mails and support literature were extremely useful during my studying. I have retained a great deal of this material for use in future development and learning. I had limited theoretical knowledge of coaching and mentoring; this has now developed as a result of the course. The big step up in the skills/knowledge/understanding for me was once I began the coaching delivery. Without the theoretical knowledge I had gained this would not have been so successful. It has also encouraged the requirement for further learning after the qualification.

I have thoroughly enjoyed completing this qualification

I have thoroughly enjoyed completing this qualification. The support, learning, resources have been of such a high quality. I have felt supported, encouraged and inspired throughout. I have a better understanding of NLP, various coaching models, Standards of Conduct, Ethical guidelines. I also have an improved knowledge of listening, questioning techniques, rapport building and relationship management. I also feel more self-aware of how my behaviours impact on those around me. I have loved completing this qualification, the additional masterclasses, virtual sessions and call support have been valuable. I have and will continue to recommend Inspired2Learn to friends and colleagues. Thank you!

I finally felt I have learnt something

The difference between the original training I received, and the training I was offered by Inspired2Learn was stark. I finally felt I have learnt something and that I had someone who was able to provide useful and relevant coaching information. All the sessions were very well prepared, we were given good resources, and I felt very well supported when working on my assignments. I met my objective in terms of finally obtaining my qualification, but throughout this process I have learnt so much more. I feel I now have a very strong basis for my coaching practice, and I am confident in my knowledge. I have developed good skills/knowledge of contracting, structuring the coaching practice, questioning and listening skills, understanding and knowledge of different coaching tools and ethics of the coaching process. I know what to do to keep on developing and reflecting on my coaching practice. I have provided coaching support to several staff as a coach, but I also utilise my coaching skills in my day to day work as an HR Business Partner, providing support to senior managers across the organisation. Just a big thank you. I wouldn’t have been able to complete this qualification without your ongoing support.

I have been able to enhance my skills and overall performance at work

My initial objective was to improve my people management skills by developing a coaching approach. As a result of becoming more self-aware, I have been able to enhance my skills, manage my judgments and improve my communication and overall performance. I have a clear understanding of the importance of being non-judgmental and not making assumptions. I have stopped trying to be a ‘fixer’ and I have learnt to help my reports / clients to reach their own conclusions and come up with their own decisions and solutions. Learning to coach has improved my own performance and I am able to harvest this learning with the team of line managers who report into me. They in turn are developing a coaching approach. I have used my new coaching approach to enhance their self-awareness and their personal development has increased their levels of confidence and improved their competence as people managers. This has made us a strong Resource Team respected across the organisation. I have used my coaching skills to develop others across our function and this has enabled them to develop their potential and progress their careers. By developing internally, I am able to build a strong succession plan and as a result, we have high levels of job satisfaction and good attrition rates within our function. Understanding the coaching process and using a coaching model has helped me to structure my sessions effectively and I have really benefited through learning to use new tools and techniques e.g. the Values activity has helped my clients with better decision making. Overall, my two years of training as a Coach with i2l has been life changing and it has been so beneficial not only in my work but in my personal life. I have learnt so much about myself in the process and I have become a more understanding person as a result.

Clare has been absolutely fantastic, forever patient, a trusted and reliable guide

Clare has been absolutely fantastic, forever patient, a trusted and reliable guide. I will forever be grateful for her belief in me to complete this course, when I was seriously doubting myself at times. Clare is a model coach and a great tutor. I have learned a skill that I thought I would never have. I have a very thorough understanding of coaching and all it’s attributes, but also a good understanding and confidence of where and how to find out an awful lot more about things. The programme was probably a lot more involved and time consuming that I had anticipated, but thoroughly fulfilling and satisfying to complete.

Thank you again for all the resources

Thank you again for all the resources. I must say I’m really impressed already by resources on this course and most particularly by the level of your personal support.

Appreciated all the support – I am now a member of my internal coaching pool

I’ve appreciated all the support you’ve given, all the feedback to help me over ‘stuck’ points in the assignments and for creating such a warm and friendly environment in all the training sessions, both face to face and virtually. I’ve really enjoyed being part of this programme and am so glad to have done it as it’s given me such a positive start to my coaching journey. I’m now a member of my internal coaching pool and working with three clients.

Your coaching webinars are fantastic

Your coaching webinars are fantastic and really helped me to get back to the essence of coaching. Following on from my experience within the online coaching industry (I think it should be renamed as online marketing industry ??) I questioned my skills, my passion for it and the purpose of coaching, but your work and sessions helped me to get back to the heart of why I was passionate about it in the first place and reminded me of the power of real/true coaching ?.

Theory helps to support the practical work

I must admit I didn’t think I would enjoy the assignment side, but unlike other assignment-based assessments I have undertaken in the past, I feel that this one does help to piece together and reinforce some of the practical coaching

Thank you for delivering a fantastic, engaging and enlightening workshop

Thank you for delivering a fantastic, engaging enlightening, no nonsense and thought provoking 2 day workshop. I honestly mean it. I thought it was excellent. In terms of a learning experience I couldn’t fault it. The pacing, content, tone and environment you created was so conducive to learning. I learnt SO much and equally as important I have been inspired to want to learn more. You made me feel comfortable outside my comfort zone!! It was great to be with such lovely and interesting people as well. Thank you

Thank you again for all the resources

Thank you again for all the resources. I must say I’m really impressed already by resources on this course and most particularly by the level of your personal support.

The supervision qualification has 100% met my objectives

The programme has exceeded my objectives as the skills I have learned have a broader reach than coaching supervision alone. Essentially, this qualification will enable my organisation to maximise the return on investment in developing an internal coaching service. I can use the skills to provide reflective practice sessions for teams who work in helping/social care professions. I am also going to lead a practice supervision programme for senior social workers using the skills and knowledge I have learned from this qualification. The support from Clare has been second to none. Clare’s warmth, encouragement, honesty, challenge to think differently, feedback and non-judgemental approach elevated the quality of tutorship to the next level – it was brilliant and I have no suggestions on this could be improved. Thank you

I didn’t realise what I was starting, but in a good way!

Undertaking the ILM L7 supervision qualification has been intense and in-depth. It has taken my coaching to another level too. My management of my coaching team has also improved and given me a different perspective as I am more stakeholder aware. I feel that I am just at the beginning of a massive learning journey. Being back with a beginner mindset is humbling. I didn’t realise what I was starting, but in a good way!

I’ve found it all really interesting and draft work was turned around quickly

The fact you turn draft assignment work around so quickly really helps to keep the motivation high and I’ve enjoyed it much more than I expected considering my learning style is high on active experimentation and low on theory! I’ve found it all really interesting and learned so much, and I feel much more confident now about being able to manage a conversation with a pure theorist who likes to challenge, which was one of my goals at the outset.

Clare is a gifted teacher

Thank you for another great ILM L7 workshop. You really are a gifted teacher. I always love the drive up and back to your sessions because I know I’ll walk out inspired.

Thorough induction

A really thorough induction that has answered all my queries so far, nothing is outstanding. Looking forward to getting stuck into the qualification. I feel well supported to do this

Support has been sublime

The support has been absolutely sublime

I can’t recommend i2l enough and am hugely grateful that I chose you for this qualification

I would just like to thank you for all your support throughout the ILM L7 coaching qualification. I found the webinars really helpful and allowed me to connect with learners at a time I was feeling isolated. Your responsiveness to assignment submissions was a huge source of motivation and kept the momentum going. I can’t recommend i2l enough and am hugely grateful that I chose you for this qualification. Everything has been very smooth and supportive, and I feel I have learned a lot from both the theory and the coaching hours and reflective learning. I do struggle with self-study and theory, but found with I2L there was a helpful set of resources and templates available, as well as physical support, so this minimised the issues I find with self-study. I now have clarity on the distinctions between coaching and mentoring, and a language and set of tools I didn’t have before. I have a deeper experience and am better able to articulate my feelings about coaching. I am also more aware of the need and value of supervision, co-coaching and continual learning, as well as the professional bodies, ethics and competencies. I am able to market myself differently and coach with more confidence.

Experience and support has been excellent

All I can say is that the experience and the support has been excellent. Clare you have been great in terms of always being there for your clients, so responsive and really caring that we do well.

i2l were fantastic

i2l were fantastic from first contact to post-qualification engagement. They have been utterly professional throughout. The coaching instructor (Clare Smale) is a true expert in her field and demonstrates this in her approach to coaching you through the course. I learned a huge amount that was not only valuable for coaching and mentoring, but widely applicable in many areas of work and life in general. I’d thoroughly recommend i2l for anyone considering any level of coaching or mentoring qualification.

Speedy response to queries

I am really appreciating the speedy response to queries and the iterative approach to assignment writing. I appreciate the flexibility of the learning and support approach which feels very personal to my circumstances

Lots of practical advice which was just what I was after.

I thoroughly enjoyed it. I have a slight tendency towards cynicism (something I am trying to self-coach out…) but immediately bought into you and the session. Lots of practical advice which was just what I was after. Thanks for the books also – I’m thoroughly enjoying John Whitmore’s book and am wondering what took me so long to read it?!

I certainly learned a great deal!

Thank you very much for the first day of the ILM Level 7 Cert Coaching Course. It was a terrific day and I certainly learned a great deal. It was also fun and I enjoyed meeting the rest of the team. Lots to consider!!

Better support than some other providers

I went to a networking workshop event with another provider last week and it became apparent that we receive far more support from Clare at inspired2learn than other students who are studying for ILM 5 and ILM 7 with alternative providers – so a huge thank you, Clare. One of the workshops was an introduction to NLP and again, it became clear that we had much more NLP input from Clare’s workshops.

Good reference material on i2l website

The L7 Certificate is really challenging me to develop my thinking and consider different perspectives at a deeper level. I think I’m just about becoming consciously incompetent! It really helps having a lot of good reference material on your website – it saves time and prevents me trawling through the piles of lower quality material in the net. Thank you!

Exceeded my objectives

The programme exceeded my objectives. It delivered a terrific balance between theory and pragmatism. The tutor kept us healthily engaged throughout and always offered opportunities to further our own learning or pass on the output from recent seminars that she had attended. The best thing about this course was the way in which it was run. I work for myself. The programme has provided me with both the knowledge and the confidence to approach any business with a coaching offer. Friendly, informative, challenging and all with excellent support in place. Thank you

Excellent teaching, guidance, supervision and support

Thanks Clare and Inspired2learn for enabling me to successfully pass my ILM Level 7 coaching certificate. I have learnt so much thanks to your excellent teaching, guidance, supervision and support. Attending the workshops at the start of my course really got me engaged and built my confidence and I met great people who have also been a real support. The materials you provided to support my learning and assignments are excellent; I’ll continue to use them. Your personal care and attention has made me feel very fortunate to have found your training provision. Thanks very much for everything.

Exceeded my expectations

The programme has exceeded my expectations. I found it has really helped me begin my new career and I found it fascinating to explore the wide range of issues that impact upon successful executive coaching and develop my practice. The assignments and the support offered worked in sync to further my understanding and I have enjoyed making links between the various aspects of the course. My theoretical understanding has developed rapidly through the research for the units and how I have applied it to my practice. My planning and evaluation of coaching programmes has developed effectively by understanding the theoretical basis. My use of a range of coaching tools has become more confident and I am able to decide on which tool to deploy at appropriate times. The theoretical work and work with peers have improved my practise in this respect and I can see the positive impact upon my coachees. Taking part in the qualification has led me to access a wide range of additional learning opportunities beyond the course that I would not have been aware of – through networks and membership of the AFC.

Opening doors to a new job

I am delighted to have been offered a job as Head of Talent Management If I had not started the ILM Level 7 Coaching qualification journey, this door would have never been opened…………………!

Awesome webinars

Your webinars are really awesome and my learning is taking hold as I’m revisiting with you. Thanks so much to i2l for the incredible learner support. I’ve never felt like here’s your material, good luck with it all now.

In safe hands

I feel in such safe hands and totally supported with Clare, something I appreciate and will never forget… I would have never done it with anyone else that’s for sure!

Motivation high

The fact you turn draft assignments and feedback around so quickly really helps to keep the motivation high and I’ve enjoyed it much more than I expected considering my learning style is high on active experimentation and low on theory! I’ve found it all really interesting and learned so much, and I feel much more confident now about being able to manage a conversation with a pure theorist who likes to challenge, which was one of my goals at the outset.

i2l have been a fantastic organisation. Thank you so much!

Clare and i2L have been a fantastic organisation with whom to undertake my ILM level 7 certificate. From the very first “exploratory” phone call, I had with Clare, she was professional, knowledgeable, friendly, and approachable. I have never felt that anything was too much to ask, and she really supported my learning at every step. The advent of COVID meant that i2L had to adapt how the face-to-face teaching element of the course needed to be delivered, this was implemented swiftly, and all of the webinars have been an excellent substitute. (I think you could charge more for the outside learners). I found the i2L web-based resources very useful. I found all of the e mail support sharing tips and resources valuable. Clare has encouraged networking and peer support, which I have found really useful. The group coaching supervision was also excellent, and I found it both challenging and supportive. It has been hard work, but very well worth the effort. I think that the learning package you deliver is great value for money, and you go above and beyond to support your learners. Thank you so much!

A wealth of new knowledge, skills and understanding

This qualification has provided me with a wealth of new knowledge, skills and understanding. Whilst I already had a good theoretical knowledge of coaching, I have learned a considerable amount in respect of systemic coaching, NLP and coach supervision. Perhaps the most significant learning for me has been in the practical application of my learning and the deep reflections that have followed each of my coaching sessions. This course has provided me with opportunities to hone my coaching skills, behaviours and knowledge and to grow in confidence in respect of my coaching abilities. As a result of undertaking this qualification, I believe I will be able to add value to my organisation through the tutoring and supervision that I offer to my students in the field of coaching & mentoring and through adopting a more confident and competent coaching approach to my leadership role. I have thoroughly enjoyed the whole process and have found the I2L learning resources and webinars incredibly helpful and engaging. I only wish that I had been able to engage with the webinars in real time and to be able, therefore, to participate in the breakout room discussions with fellow learners. I also really valued the opportunity to record myself in action and to have tutor/observer feedback on my practice – the feedback that was provided was supportive, extensive and insightful and offered some helpful ways in which I could develop my practice further and challenge myself. This was exactly what I needed. Thank you!

Exceptional tutor support

I now have massively different skills, knowledge and understanding of coaching, despite years of coaching informally as a leader. Much stronger understanding of coaching at an executive level and understand much more deeply the research behind it. The programme & qualification added value to my school as I will embed leadership coaching in a much more systemic way. I am hoping to coach leaders both within my organisation and across the wider group of leaders in the Multi Academy Trust. Tutor support was exceptional, with honest and direct feedback, clear guidance and modelling of outstanding coaching throughout.

Thank you – the caoching course has has enabled me to support multiple senior leaders

I’m so glad that I chose to do the qualification with yourselves. Thank you for all your support – it has been invaluable. The programme has enabled me to support multiple senior leaders and talented individuals to develop their leadership, which has meant they are leading their teams in a more self-aware way and are replicating my techniques with their teams – extending development so much further into the organisation. I now have the confidence to do small group coaching sessions and integrate my coaching knowledge with my psychology knowledge. It is helping me to coach senior leaders through supporting me in my new role too! In my new role there is a lot of scope for me to use my coaching skills to develop the organisation. The webinars and masterclasses are amazing. They have also shown me what bad examples look like as yours are so good in comparison to what is freely available on the internet. The feedback on assignments was really useful and so were the provision of what a pass and high pass would include and that helped me to get so much more out of the research. I was a bit frightened of the supervision to start with, but it was really useful The book recommendations were great too – they saved me having to trawl through a load of books to find some really great learning and techniques. It would have helped me to have done the assignments first as I found they changed my practice towards the end of the qualification. I would have benefited from assignment deadlines submission dates – even if they were moveable, it would have helped me to finish the assignments earlier. Perhaps that is something that could be agreed with further learners at the start? Overall a totally amazing experience the has totally transformed what I do and how I do it.

Loved every Minute

I’ve loved every minute of this journey and can’t thank you enough for all your support and training throughout, which has made it so fantastic. I don’t want it to end!

Thanks for the past two days Clare – they were fab

Really inspired me and made me realise there can be a world of challenge out there beyond the fire service.

Motivating and Enjoyable

I really have enjoyed this course – so motivating when your hear the client talking about how their lives have changed because of it

Very inspiring, energising course

Thank you very much for a very inspiring, energising course and encouraging a great group experience. Very excited and very glad I came to your course.

Many thanks for a great day

Many thanks for a great day. Your enthusiasm and knowledge are very clear and it was a real joy to meet so many interesting and very different people as well as a few familiar faces.

Exactly what we need

inspired2learn have just delivered our induction session for this qualification – three of us have enrolled and we are internal coaches and trainers in the Police. Clare’s brand of pragmatism and support is proving to be exactly what we need.

A HUGE thank you to you

A HUGE thank you to you for your support with the assignments over the years!!!! I’m a much a better coach as a result of your assignment input and supervision – just wished I’d had the time to have had more supervision from you. Also a MASSIVE thank you for contacting your network to offer my free coaching services once I left the Council to get in more coaching hours. My ability to focus my time fully on my clients and reflecting on the session, has also definitely helped me become a much better coach. I should also say I found your book really great and your courses very helpful. Studying whilst working in a demanding role, running a busy home and completing assignments after being out of the academic arena for sometime is a challenge. However, Clare helped me achieve a ‘ good pass’ in my first assignment by giving feedback, and signposting me to additional reading material on each section. I could therefore move onto the next section knowing that I was on the right track and could be confident that I would have a good quality finished assignment.

Developed skills in managing performance

The most positive impact has been through developing my skills in managing performance. Learning some strategies for giving positive feedback has been particularly helpful both for working with the staff and with tutors. My confidence in this area has improved significantly and this was noticeable at the recent Ofsted inspection – as nominee I needed to be able to challenge emerging judgements if I felt them to be inaccurate and I felt confident to do this. The work we did on workforce planning was also very useful and timely as I have developed my understanding of this area of work which has helped greatly in supporting staff to manage the imminent changes to the service.

More knowledge, skills and enthusiasm

I have found the course more useful that I was initially expecting. It has changed the way I think at work and I automatically look at issues in a more all round way, which will bring efficiencies for my team and the organisation. I am enthusiastic about work and taking on new challenges, which will allow me to apply my new knowledge and skills.

Quality is exceptionally high

I would highly recommend inspired2learn as a management development and qualification provider. Barrie works extremely well with our delegates, providing appropriate insight, challenge, support and advice. The quality of the courses and course materials is exceptionally high. Delegates enjoy the sessions tremendously and consistently rate the experience as highly beneficial.

Taken away a clear plan

I have taken away a clear plan of what I need to do next week to pull together my coaching toolkit to help me in my preparation to coach and start the Level 5 assignments. I’m committed to starting my coaching practice within the law firm that I work and I am going to speak to my line manager to identify suitable coachees.

More proactive and aware

I have become much more aware of performance management and since getting knowledge on learning styles been more concious about dealing with others more assertively, and openly. Previously I was not so confident doing this. I have used the BIFF technique with a staff member (Behaviour, Impact, Feelings, Future) and this has been successful with a marked improvement being observed, which is very pleasing. I am consciously speaking face to face more often on contentious issues rather than replying to others e-mails, which can take longer to write as well as not wholly tackling the issues. Also I have been more proactive in terms of programming having produced this years works program prior to the year starting with costs and tasks assigned to individuals, so delegation skills have improved too.

Build confidence

A build up of confidence from the course: knowing a lot of what I do already is right, and finding ways of dealing with people and understanding my behaviour which has helped this year. The time I have spent working on the project has benefited the organisation not only in producing a policy but also in the time I spent on research, which otherwise I would not have bothered to do. We now have useful comparators and links with colleagues we wouldn’t have had.

Using my new found skills

One of the main impacts the course has had on my performance is the fact that the 360 degree exercise highlighted that my communication skills in presenting information were lacking. Completing the assignments and projects has improved my knowledge of presenting facts using a wider range of tools which has been extremely beneficial. Whilst completing my project for work I was able to use these new found skills and communicate facts with much more conviction. It has also enabled me to ensure that evidence has been provide at all stages.

More aware and flexible, whcih my manager has noticed

By developing an understanding of myself and of the different management/leadership styles, I am much more aware of my part in the process and able to apply a style to a situation. For instance, in relation to achieving our targets I soon realised that in order to be more effective I needed to adopted a more directive style. This has helped to improve the teams performance. My own manager has said that she has watched me grow significantly throughout this course. I tend to manage meetings more effectively and I have developed better time management skills. I have tools to help with a variety of situations which I found difficult previously, ie PDR’s and Feedback. I now feel I can facilitate a good/meaningful PDR and I am confident at giving feedback. I also feel that the whole experience has left me feeling generally more confident and competent as a manager.

More confident in my role

I now feel much more confident in my role, especially when approaching unfamiliar tasks because of the tools and approaches learnt as well as becoming familiar with websites that can provide information. For example my most recent task is to write a strategy for an area for which I have no knowledge. I have already completed research on line on how to approach the task and found examples of good practice. I also have a better understanding of areas outside of my usual work responsibilities. This has made me more aware about the impact of the work I am completing and the depth of advice I am able to provide to service areas.

Excellent course

I particularly appreciated the excellent course management and resources, valuable feedback on assignments and the opportunity to look objectively at my management practice. Thank you.

Quick speed of marking

Found the speed and quality of marking very good: loved all the comments from Heather, thank you!

A very well organised provider of CMI qualifications

inspired2learn’s organisational skills are second to none, they always know where everything is at any given moment in time and any reports etc. that I have requested have always been available within a few minutes. inspired2learn have successfully managed over 180 people through CMI qualifications. I look forward to a long partnership continuing along successful lines for the future.

Good advice and guidance

inspired2learn have worked in partnership with Helphire for almost 6 years, during which time they have consistently been very supportive, and well liked by all. inspired2learn were instrumental in helping us to develop our Management Development Programmes, which are accredited by the Chartered Management Institute. Barrie also delivered the CMI’s Diploma in Management programme for us for several years. He is a pleasure to work with and can be relied on to give good advice and guidance.

Thank you Inspired2learn

Over the past two years I completed the CMI’s Diploma in Management with Inspired2Learn on a workshop programme. Their facilitation methods, structure for the modules, participation exercises etc. were very well designed and tailored to suit the needs of the group. Their inclusive style of delivery meant that every individual was able to meet the aims and objectives of the courses. A thorough approach which enabled me to achieve qualifications that have supported my continued professional development. Thank you Inspired2Learn.

Cost effective and tangible benefits

I have worked with inspired2learn over a number of years on a wide range of management development programmes, from Team Leader to Senior Management level. I would not hesitate to endorse them, on a basis of any one of the programmes we have been engaged in – cumulatively, my experience is that this organisation consistently delivers commercial benefits even beyond the specific course outline. On each occasion the programmes inspired2learn have run delivered tangible financial benefits (as demonstrated by the practical assignments set as part of the Certificate in Management programmes) increased management bench-strength, and succession capability. The supplier relationship is critical and inspired2learn are the exemplar of what commercial organisations are looking for. Pragmatic and value-focussed, they ensure that programmes are linked to ‘real life’ management challenges, allowing delegates to transfer learning, even to rehearse real problems and solutions in a safe environment, reflecting back the strengths and weaknesses in their approaches. Their breadth of experience of working in diverse organisations, and technical subject matter expertise, equip them to have credible influence with delegates and senior stakeholders alike. I would be very happy to recommend Inspired2learn for any company who need to develop their management capability in a cost-effective manner requiring tangible, practical benefits.

Outstanding, trustworthy and ethical

Barrie was a fantastic person to work with. Clearly an expert in his field. Fastidious when it comes to detail, punctuality, customer service and results. Always willing to go above and beyond expectations. A fantastic attitude towards people and learners and bucket-loads of patience! I would not hesitate in recommending Barrie or the team at inspired2learn to anyone looking for an outstanding, trustworthy and ethical training provider.

Excellent support & definitely a valuable journey

Inspired2learn has given me an opportunity to do a long distance course and making the best use of my time after working hours. Especially when working in the Developing World with less night life distractions, I can be more concentrated in my self-study and not feeling my time is being wasted. My tutor, Barrie Smale has been very helpful in my journey to achieve my CMI qualifications. I consider him not only my tutor, but also a mentor and a friend. He answers my questions, not limited to the course syllabus alone but anything related to the course topics. I have broadened my views on management and I believe it is definitely a valuable journey where you have somebody supportive to walk along with you. I have just achieved my first CMI Award in May and currently I am studying for the CMI certificate. My goal is to become a Chartered Manager and I hope inspired2learn will always be next to me.

‘Can do’ approach

From the very start of the contract it was clear that inspired2learn intended to fully integrate the required learning from the CMI into the required learning specific to the needs of our organisation. They established from the outset the specific leadership issues for our staff, and the visions and strategic challenges that were set for us from the Chief Constable, and used the knowledge from our organisation to inform the learning strategy and outcomes. Time and again inspired2learn have demonstrated a ‘can do’ approach to the rapid changes we throw at them, and time and again they achieve the goals set. In summary, I do not think we could have found a more ‘client focused’ supplier for our programme.

Thank you Barrie

Hello Barrie. I’ve been managing a project with Lincolnshire County Council! I’ve found the confidence to do this thanks to doing the inspired2learn CMI Level 5 Diploma in 2014 I just wanted to say thank you. You helped change my mindset and to take more creative risks

The course atmosphere was relaxed and informal, allowing everyone to feel comfortable sharing and discussing ideas.
The philosophies and ideas behind coaching were brought to life for our school

Coaching Core Skills – The philosophies and ideas behind coaching were brought to life and each delegate ended the day feeling more confident in what successful coaching is and the power it has within any organisation. ‘Clare’s passion for coaching was present throughout the day and she delivered a huge amount of tricky information, ideas and principles without overwhelming the group. The course atmosphere was relaxed and informal, allowing everyone to feel comfortable sharing and discussing ideas. For me as a teacher, the coaching philosophies shared will have significant impact both in my classroom practice, but also as a school leader.

As a coach I am better able to support individuals as part of their development journey, and help ensure they are well-placed to deliver on personal and organisational goals.

i2l webinars gave me practical tools to use straight away

Coaching gave me the confidence to take on a difficult challenge

I was lucky to find inspired2learn and I would really recommend them

At any point in the course when I lost my way, Clare was on hand to set me back on track with some helpful advice and also some modelled questions! The resource section on the website is full of great reading materials and there is so much to help you plan your assignments. Clare also provides some great assessment for learning templates for those assignments and these were invaluable. All this and modelled supervision sessions demonstrating what outstanding coaching looks like.

During the course of the L7 I began to recognise that most of what I thought I understood as coaching was in fact not helpful and I had to reinvent my learning and I was supported to do this every step of the way. When I needed peer interaction then Clare was able to link me with others on the course who were at the same level. The help always felt like it was completely bespoke and was offered as much or as little as required. 


I would recommend Inspired2Learn to anyone wishing to professionally develop themselves.

It was an incredibly smooth and easy process from registration to completing the qualification.

I would recommend inspired2Learn to anyone for professional development

I would recommend inspired2Learn to anyone wishing to professionally develop themselves. It was an incredibly smooth and easy process from registration to completing the qualification. Distance learning was a huge benefit and attraction as I was able to complete my assignments in my own time and pace, planned around my work and family commitments. Using my ELCAS to fund the learning was also a benefit as I am still serving within the Armed Forces.

I am a Construction Project Manager within the Defence sector. As I lead a multi-disciplined project delivery team, I wanted to build on my previous CMI management and leadership learning to better serve the individuals and the organisation. I completed the CMI Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership Practice with inspired2learn. As I progress within my career there may be roles that require more strategy and less management of projects. I was supported through the CMI website by the ManagementDirect resources. Having a dedicated point of contact and a mentor at Inspired2Learn meant I was provided with expert guidance and actionable feedback when required.

Being able to choose the units and tailor the qualification to my needs enabled me to target specific areas of development and relevance to my current role and beyond. This learning will enable me to achieve further development goals, such as gaining Chartered Manager status. It will also allow me to better plan responses and manage situations relevant to my organisation and sector.


I spoke to Clare and instantly knew this was the right provider

My name is James Kerfoot. I’ve been a Headteacher for nearly 10 years and I’ve long been interested in coaching, ever since I began to coach in a sporting context many years ago. I felt I knew a lot about coaching having read a lot, and taken part in some one day executive coaching courses. I became interested in the ILM L7 course and began to research providers. I happened upon the inspired2learn website by accident and it met some criteria I had eg costs were reasonable and it offered tutor support. It also had a number to call and I spoke to Clare and instantly knew this was the right provider. From the start Clare was knowledgeable and clear and also humorous throughout! 

At any point in the course when I lost my way, Clare was on hand to set me back on track with some helpful advice and also some modelled questions! The resource section on the website is full of great reading materials and there is so much to help you plan your assignments. Clare also provides some great assessment for learning templates for those assignments and these were invaluable. All this and modelled supervision sessions demonstrating what outstanding coaching looks like.

During the course of the L7 I began to recognise that most of what I thought I understood as coaching was in fact not helpful and I had to reinvent my learning and I was supported to do this every step of the way. When I needed peer interaction then Clare was able to link me with others on the course who were at the same level. The help always felt like it was completely bespoke and was offered as much or as little as required. 

I successfully completed the course and the assignments and the stress levels of doing this whilst operating a full time job running a school in a pandemic were minimal due to Clare’s expert tuition. I coached 3 other leaders during the course and have begun to coach another executive leader since. At this point I haven’t undertaken coaching professionally and with pay but I am rather using it to change the way I lead and to support other leaders. I’m confident that as and when I decide to move forwards with coaching the learning I got from the course will hold. 

I was lucky to find inspired2learn but sometimes you just find yourself in the right place, I would really recommend you contact Clare if you are thinking of completing this qualification.” August 2022

You have truly inspired me

You have truly inspired me thank you.

Really enjoying this course

I am really enjoying this course. I feel like a child in sweetie shop! !

Inspired2learn provides a terrific service.

Inspired2learn provides a terrific service. They are very supportive and always offer just too much for you to absorb, but only just – so you strive to stay up with them. I attend many courses with various other providers. Other students on the same course as me but with different providers do not receive anywhere near the tuition, help and support that I enjoy. Our tutor (and supervisor) is challenging, responsive, supportive and a terrific fount of knowledge. Our whole course has learned a huge amount from her. That she does it in a fun and relaxed manner makes her tuition enjoyable and rewarding.

I must say I’m really impressed already by resources on this course and most particularly by the level of your personal support.

Thank you again for all the resources. I must say I’m really impressed already by resources on this course and most particularly by the level of your personal support.

I must say I’m really impressed already by resources on this course and most particularly by the level of your personal support.

Thank you again for all the resources. I must say I’m really impressed already by resources on this course and most particularly by the level of your personal support.

I’ve found it all really interesting and learned so much, and I feel much more confident now about being able to manage a conversation with a pure theorist who likes to challenge, which was one of my goals at the outset.

The fact you turn draft assignment work around so quickly really helps to keep the motivation high and I’ve enjoyed it much more than I expected considering my learning style is high on active experimentation and low on theory! I’ve found it all really interesting and learned so much, and I feel much more confident now about being able to manage a conversation with a pure theorist who likes to challenge, which was one of my goals at the outset.